We welcome your feedback and strive to offer satisfaction to all of our customers. If you are not happy with the service you have received, or we have not met your expectations, you can get in touch by letter or email.
We embrace all feedback and use these responses as opportunities to grow and develop our services.
Vehicle and Service Complaints:
James Thorpe, Dealer Principal
78 Billingshurst Road,
Broadbridge Heath,
Horsham, West Sussex,
RH12 2LP
Email: james.thorpe@station-garages.co.uk
Finance and Insurance Complaints:
Our regulated financial activity is arranged by Automotive Compliance. Please refer complaints to:
Automotive Compliance Ltd, The Factory, 44 Alfred Street, Gloucester, GL1 4DD
Telephone: 01452671560
Email: complaints@automotive-compliance.co.uk
Financial Ombudsman Service:
If we cannot resolve your complaint within 8 weeks, you may refer your dispute to the Financial Ombudsman Service. This service is free to use. Their consumer helpline is available on 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123 or you can visit their website at www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/
Complaints Regarding Data:
Our Privacy Policy can be found with Company Info at the bottom of our webpage. If you need to contact us in relation to the personal information we hold on you, you can write to: Data Protection Officer, Station Garage, 78 Billingshurst Road, Broadbridge Heath, Horsham, RH12 3LP.